Friday, 6 December 2019


Brilliant, this is exactly what the reviewer might have wanted for a review of this album. Written by Marcel Hubregtse on When it comes to mimicking stuff like Katatonia and Amorphis, the stakes to make the standards as a high as possible is so much more massive than it is when paying tribute to Bathory. On the other hand I haven't heard Isole and won't bother with it anytime soon unless they put out a new record this year that is. That's why tey have two bands because of the different music both play. This is sounding great so far, there's much doom in it as you say and both bands have a similar "epic" feel to them, though expressed in different styles I think. Insomnium Heart Like A Grave. ereb altor fire meets ice

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Probably not; seems like merely decent stuff. An Ereb Altor ego? The Netherlands Written by Apothecary on The black metal is so drenched in doom, while the near constant keyboard accompaniment and clean vocal harmonies really bring an epic feel to it all.

Ereb Altor – Fire Meets Ice Review

If you like Ereb Altor, you may also like: Advertisement Advertise on MS. Scandinavian metal in the vein of Bathory www. Metallica Master Of Puppets.

ereb altor fire meets ice

A year on though and with album number 4 it was time ifre give Ereb Altor the benefit of the doubt, dry my tears and get professional again. When it comes to mimicking stuff like Katatonia and Amorphis, the stakes to make the standards as a high as possible is so much more massive than it is when paying tribute to Bathory.

After the chaos of Ragnarok dies down, our journey comes to a close with 'Our Legacy' which is a slow, yet moving song, featuring phenomenal keyboard work and, yes, fife beautiful vocals. Login Register or use.

ereb altor fire meets ice

Fire Meets Ice Ereb Altor. The only one I've heard by them is the latest which I really liked. But the hate for Bartushka, I'd say, is wholly justified, at least conceptually if not musically. After 2 albums 2 years in a row I can forsee Ereb Altor now taking a firee back to really think the next album through.

I had no idea they were the same dudes. Stormveiled by Aeon Winds.

I knew Isole long time now. The deceiver shall repent Written by Marcel Hubregtse on Strange, usually when a band went by another name it says it on keets profile For the completely uninitiated, expect a slow to mid-paced riff approach, adorned in places with proud acoustic guitars varying between strums and more intricate picking.

Ereb Altor “Fire Meets Ice”

USA Written by Mr. Most of the time, viking metal simply refers to the lyrical or theatrical themes a band uses, and really doesn't define a sound specifically. Well, if the ratings on here are any indication, Throne Of Void looks like a good place to start with them.

There are definite influences present from black metal, Bathory particularly. Certainly it has increased the musical complexity and demanded more accomplished performances, but it has also revealed a naivety that seems out of place with the veteran performers that this band are.

Australia Isole have an alter ego? I've finally started to feel like writing some new reviews, so I decided to give it a whirl.

Ereb Altor - Fire Meets Ice Review | Angry Metal Guy

Isole have an alter ego? If you like Ereb Altor, you may also like:. The riffs are Quorthon through and through, which is ace, and they really channel the spirit of those Bathory albums throughout. As competently done as some of these soaring pseudo-Gothic passages are and as much as both key members have improved in technical terms as vocalists much of this new experimentation still leaves me cold, and simply that is because I think they may have bitten off more than they can chew.

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