Thursday, 5 December 2019


Published January 28, Family, friends and my life. Finally, what are your interests outside of making music? This album was my therapy. I wrote, produced, and played all instruments on the album in its entirety. What is your favorite track from your upcoming album? The next morning things changed. ofei tomorrow

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I paint a picture of hardship in many ways, however I always try to resolve and love.

ofei tomorrow

That was the start of the beginning. This year I have a three piece band. Where do you draw your lyrical inspiration from? Is making music healing for you? This album was my therapy.

The next morning things changed. What is your favorite track from your upcoming album?

ofei tomorrow

There was never a backup plan. Would you consider yourself more a producer or singer? This is my therapy. Are you in the process of making a new album?

Premiere: Ofei – ‘London’ [EP stream]

I just got lost in that world. So it was a privilege to be the first person to sit down with the enigmatic musician and get to learn a little more about him for Interview. Do you tomorrod live shows? It was May 28, Published January 28, If you had to, which three words would you choose?

Last year I was on my own, just me and a keyboard. There are few breaking musicians more compelling and intelligent in their music-making—his sound a juxtaposition of raw power and aching vulnerability, minimalist, yet deeply rich and dynamic.

Just to be the best version of myself. I never really try to manipulate the moment. Finally, what are your interests outside of making music? Can you tell me about your musical background?

ofei tomorrow

Who are your major musical inspirations? It was always music. I ended up with a friend on Brick Lane, East London, putting the world to tomotrow.

Family, friends and my life. Musicals, Martinis, and Gossip Read more. With only a handful of shows to his name and no biography online, London singer, songwriter, and producer Ofei has been a tricky person to write about up until now.

What does the title track of your EP London mean to you? Then I had a huge thing with soul, which lasted probably the longest. When I was really young I would have said Todd Edwards.

New Music: Ofei - "Tomorrow" | RESPECT.

But talking to you is cool. I tried to respect the process from concept to master. My family is a bunch of characters. I wrote, produced, and played all instruments on the album in its entirety.

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