Tuesday, 10 December 2019


Rest of my pom. How do we handle problem users? How do I get Maven to download javax. You should ask someone to add it to the company repo, or you'll probably run into trouble with the legal department. Download the Communication API and deploy it using. This happen sometimes with some libraries the Oracle JDBC driver is another example that are not available for direct download, essentially because of specific licenses Improving the question-asking experience. javax comm 2.0.3

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I need the javax. Active 6 years, 5 months ago.

javax comm 2.0.3

As pointed out by answers below the java comm lib is not available on public repos due to license restrictions from Oracle and Sun before them. You can also add the artifact in source control and use the maven-install-plugin to install it localy before the build as explained here. I'm javqx as a moderator from all Stack Exchange sites, effective today.

Download comm JAR files with all dependencies

Unicorn Meta Zoo 9: This happen sometimes with some libraries the Oracle JDBC driver is another example that are not available for direct download, essentially because of specific licenses How do I get Maven to download javax. Download the Communication API and deploy it using mvn deploy: Because of licensing restrictions the javax.

javax comm 2.0.3

Why doesnt Maven just find it in the public repos when it fails to find it in my company repo? So all these answers, whatever merit they may once have had javqx no longer effective.

Download the Communication API and deploy it using. If you don't have a repository server you can place it in your.

Riccardo Cossu Riccardo Cossu 2, 1 1 gold badge 23 23 silver badges 40 40 bronze badges. How do we handle problem users? Sean Patrick Floyd Sean Patrick Floyd k 52 52 gold badges silver badges bronze badges. But this will only work for your local machine.

Download comm-2.0.jar : comm « c « Jar File Download

If you have a look herein the "official" Maven 2 repository, you will see that in the pom. Sign up using Facebook. By using our site, you acknowledge that you have read and understand our Cookie PolicyPrivacy Policycomk our Terms of Service. Sign up using Email and Password. Asked 8 years, 6 months ago.

Post as a guest Name. I ended up downloading the java comm lib from Oracle and had our Maven admin install it on our local Repository.

Email Required, but never shown. Javaz should download the jar using the provided link: Improving the question-asking experience. I also read somewhere that I would have better luck with javax lib's if I included the repository:. Stack Overflow works best with JavaScript enabled. HefferWolf HefferWolf 3, 19 19 silver badges 29 29 bronze badges. Thank you, very nice answer.

Thank you to everyone for your helpful answers. Actually maven doesn't find it on the public repos In my projects pom. Can anyone tell me where I can get a copy of java comm. Oracle has completely buried it or made javaax impossible to find.

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