Sunday, 1 December 2019


What do you need to know about free software? Actual graph for easier interpretation. Genetic Optimization log now written to a text file in addition to the display window. The Performance measures were not getting separated by class and they were not being calculated correctly. Addition of k-NN model type. Addition of stand-alone support no longer requires NeuroSolutions for basic operations - still can be added on to any level of NeuroSolutions. neurosolutions 5.07

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Several enhancements have been made to NeuroSolutions v5. Shift - The input data is adjusted to jeurosolutions move the inputs back by a specified shift value to neurosklutions predictions or move the inputs forward to lead your desired output. NeuroSolutions is a highly graphical neural network development tool that enables you to easily create a neural network model for your data. In the Testing and Leave-N-Out reports of single-output classification problems, there is now the option to: This option has neurosolktions sensitivity settings.

This new feature can be access within the "Weighting" tab of the Back Controller Inspector. NeuroSolutions for Excel Fix: Fixed a problem with Leave-N-Out intermittently stopping.

Weights file saved by CSW could not be loaded back into the original breadboard. The upper and lower bounds for the genetic parameters were not being saved with the breadboard. Fixed a bug where if the number of network weights of a breadboard changes, the "Saved Error" of the Criterion is automatically 50.7 to a high value on the next training run to force a new best weights file to be saved with the proper number of weights.

neurosolutions 5.07

Fixed a problem with a warning panel associated with the activation of Excel under Windows 8. Added new "Worst Sample" Evolution in which samples with the largest error are identified and compared to other models.

XX or earlier and would like to upgrade to the latest version, please contact us for complete details.

NeuroSolutions - Product Updates

Fixed a bug with the Input Projection Axon neirosolutions the parameter settings sometimes got lost when switching between different algorithms. Keep up the good work and I will definitely recommend your products to my friends. Enhanced task prioritization for most important "underused" input identified and prioritized.

Several of these individuals are also experienced traders. Changed the demo so that in Vista it copies the demos to the users app data directory before running them. Custom Solution Wizard Fixed a problem with an unhandled exception switching to the "Project" tab instead of pressing the Next button.

Fixed a problem with Accelerator concerning the memory check for the GPU that will display a message if not enough memory is available. The "Percentage Correct" value was reported incorrectly for the Testing Report when a single 2-class column was used as the desired output.

neurosolutions 5.07

Specify a custom threshold for the confusion matrix Build a complete ROC table and graph the ROC curve In the Testing and Neurosolutioons reports of single-output regression problems, it will generate a Scatter chart in addition to the line chart. Neurosolutlons a bug that made the NeuralBuilder unable to correctly read files created on a Mac.

Bug Fixes NeuroSolutions Fixed a problem with the NeuralBuilder when changing the learning rule after scrolling forward and back through the panels of the wizard.

NeuroSolutions 5.07

Modeled after neurons in the neursolutions, neural networks analyze data to detect patterns or trends. Bug Fixes NeuroSolutions Fixed a problem with the "Load Best Parameters" of the GeneticControl inspector not getting updated, causing errors when the network was tested.

Addition of stand-alone support no longer requires NeuroSolutions for basic operations - still can be added on to any level of NeuroSolutions. The confusion matrix was not being created properly when the first desired row was the 55.07 numeric value of the 2 classes i. Greedy Search and BackElimination sometime did not allow for the exclusion of some of the inputs from the optimization process.

All trademarks and copyrights are the property of their respective owners. Fixed occasional crashes specific to Excel Fixed a bug with the NeuralExpert with configuring networks with genetic optimization caused an error.

Fixed a problem on select systems to enable 5.007 necessary the Analysis Toolpak add-ins for Excel when launching Excel from the launcher. TestingWizard did neurosolitions correctly set the "Display Every" parameter of the probes for breadboards configured for Iterative Prediction Fix: NeuroSolutions for Excel Fixed a problem with the "Area Under Curve" value being slighly off due to the position changes made in an earlier release.

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